Red Emerald Philodendron

By Plant Liker •  Updated: 06/25/14 •  3 min read

About the Red Emerald Philodendron (Philodendron erubescens)

red emerald philodendron purifies indoor air of toxic gasesThe Red Emerald Philodendron (also known as a blushing philodendron or red-leaf philodendron) is one of the most common vining type of houseplant. It is a hybrid hailing from Colombia, and is sought for its burgundy-red leaves.

It’ll take almost a decade for the plant to reach its full height of 2.5 to 4 metres tall.

Why You Want This Plant

Vining philodendrons are among the easiest philodendrons to care for and are leaders in removing toxic gases from indoor environments.

Red Emerald Philodendron Care (Lighting Requirements, Watering Frequency)

P. erubescens enjoys being in moist soil as long as it is well-draining soil. Sandy loam works well to keep the roots moist but not soaked, as standing water can lead to root rot. Experiment with mixing some organic matter and perlite or sand in the pot to find the right soil composition (if it is well-draining, it works).

Otherwise, the plant should grow decently in standard potting soil or hydroculture.

Keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy, and feed regularly through the spring and summer with liquid fertilizer at half-strength. Mist often. Water less often in the winter, and do not feed it at all through the dark months.

As a climber, the Philodendron Red Emerald likes the help of a sturdy, moist (sorry…) pole as it grows up. Moss poles are a popular choice, or attach the plant to a pole with clips (if you’re classy) or strips of nylon panty hose (if you grew up in my house).

Pests & Problems

Philodendrons are sometimes attacked by aphids, scale insects and mealybugs if the soil conditions are too dry or too wet. Root rot occurs if the soil is too cold and wet for very long.

Cloning More Plants

Propagate new plants by taking cuttings at a joint and rooting these little guys in moist potting soil.

Where to Place This Plant Indoors

P. erubescens likes a sheltered location with partial shade: officially, semi-shade to shade. Indoors, place this plant near a south- or east-facing window.

With its roots in the tropics, the Red Emerald Philodendron prefers warmth and humidity, so misting this plant’s leaves is a good idea. For the happiest setup, stake your vine with water-absorbent poles (commonly made from wire and sphagnum moss).

But Don’t Eat It

All parts may cause severe discomfort if ingested, so please don’t eat it. Any contact with the sap may also irritate the skin, eyes, and other membranes.

Plant Liker